• Slovenský jazyk
  • English language


Ing. Monika Kovářová
Managing director

from 2000 worked as a tax assistant with KPMG Slovensko Advisory, k.s., later as an accounting methodologist at Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s. and until 2011 as a tax advisor with BMB Leitner, k.s.

Ing. Mária Kovářová
Finance director

has a 20 year-long experience as an economic director and statutory representative of Knižné centrum, s.r.o. and from 2006 also in the field of freestanding provision of accounting services for 20 companies with Prestom Partners, s.r.o.

The term serendipity I bumped into while studying English. I felt attracted by its sound as well as meaning. It belongs to the hardest translatable words in the world. We have tried to choose the best translation in Slovak and we’ve picked the šťastná náhoda. More accurately, this word describes the accident of finding something good or useful without looking for it. Due to its sociological use, it has been exported to many languages and fields of life. In the field of science, a typical example of serendipity is well-known when Alexander Fleming accidentally left a petri dish open and a mold got inside which led to the discovery of the ground-breaking penicillin. However, as it is said, chance favors the prepared mind.

All other associations and comparisons I leave here up to the reader. For me, it is a nice word with a nice meaning, so why not to use it as a name of a company, into which we want to invest the best in us?