About us

from 2000 worked as a tax assistant with KPMG Slovensko Advisory, k.s., later as an accounting methodologist at Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s. and until 2011 as a tax advisor with BMB Leitner, k.s.

has a 20 year-long experience as an economic director and statutory representative of Knižné centrum, s.r.o. and from 2006 also in the field of freestanding provision of accounting services for 20 companies with Prestom Partners, s.r.o.
Our company was established in 2011, one can say that as a family, female-run business. The core service, that we have decided to provide to our clients, is accounting. Accounting – but in a different way, with human touch and added value. We build upon the importance of communication with the client because accounting and legislation, we do not perceive just as a necessary evil but as a necessary tool as well. How to handle and use it to strengthen one’s business - that is what we try communicating to our client at every occasion in the most intelligible way. Ourselves, we have a long-year experience not only with bookkeeping, tax returns preparation and related agenda, but also within the fields, for which accounting is more as a servant than a boss, which read in the accounting books and in which decisions are taken with substantial impact on the business. Following this effort of us, we offer an extended range of services in which we have experience and a description of which you find in particular bookmarks on this webpage.
Despite this added value that we want to provide to our clients, we have entered the market with very friendly prices.