
Ing. Monika Kovářová
Managing director
from 2000 worked as a tax assistant with KPMG Slovensko Advisory, k.s., later as an accounting methodologist at Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s. and until 2011 as a tax advisor with BMB Leitner, k.s.

Ing. Mária Kovářová
Finance director
has a 20 year-long experience as an economic director and statutory representative of Knižné centrum, s.r.o. and from 2006 also in the field of freestanding provision of accounting services for 20 companies with Prestom Partners, s.r.o.
Double-entry bookkeeping
- Processing and accounting for original documents, their assessment from tax point of view,
- Keeping of accounting journal (chronological evidence of accounting entries), analytical evidence, general ledger, fixed assets register, cash book, VAT evidence, preparation of VAT return,
- Preparation of financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, notes to the financial statements and cash flow).
Single-entry bookkeeping
- Processing and accounting for original documents, their assessment from tax point of view,
- Keeping of cash journal, evidence of receivables and liabilities, assets register, VAT records, other accounting ledgers,
- Processing of documentation for VAT return and its preparation,
- Monthly overviews based on client’s needs,
- Year-end closing.